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Nurture seeds of knowledge through educational technology

You empower learning and development. Let Smith empower you with customizable programs, services, and solutions to meet the unique needs of the education sector.

How We Help

Refresh data center equipment

Sustainably manage retired IT assets

Procure educational technology products

What We Do

Smith is committed to providing the highest-quality services and products to our education customers so that students and staff have the tools they need to learn and succeed.
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Smith can help ensure your next technology refresh is built to last. From servers and optical transceivers to hard drives and peripherals – we have the components you need to update your data centers to keep them running.

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Lifecycle Solutions

After you overhaul and innovate your technology infrastructure, you want a clean sweep – with no outdated equipment in your way. Smith can help you safely, sustainably, and efficiently manage your retired hardware.

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Supplier-Consolidation Services

Navigating the educational technology market can stretch your purchasing department thin, especially when acquisition costs and a sprawling supplier base add to the challenge. Let Smith help you ease this burden and get the products you need.

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Certifications and Affiliations



Smith’s adherence to specified e-waste practices underscores our deep commitment to supporting a healthy and responsible global recycling stream.



Smith conforms to the EN 50625 standards for responsible processing and disposing of electronic waste.


ISO 14001

Smith’s environmental management system promotes an environmentally conscious workplace and continuous compliance with applicable regulations.

Hear From Our People

At Smith, we practice what we preach. Our award-winning, internal learning and development programs tackle the challenges of blended, virtual, and customized learning with AI-based systems. We provide quality solutions tailored to education’s dynamic needs and actively invest in tomorrow’s growth.

Lisa Ann Cairns, PhD

Vice President of Learning and Development

Smith Insights in the Education Industry

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